Matt's story

Matt is that fun kind of dad, always ready to try something new and enjoy the great outdoors with his precious tribe.

Jess's story

Keen horse rider Jess was out with her riding group in the hills around Kiwitea, on a Saturday that started like any other riding day.

Jason's story

Jason Broome is a firefighter, surf lifesaver and fisherman.

Kayleigh's story

Kayleigh was rescued after a harrowing accident on Mt Ruapehu.

Jonty's story

On a beautiful Rotorua day, Jonty, a keen mountain biker, was enjoying the tracks and trails in the scenic Redwood Forest.

Stuart's story

Stuart Brenchley has seen some gruesome injuries that required the response of a rescue helicopter and, as a result, has spent decades fundraising for services around the country.

Brian's story

In the rugged wilderness of the Pureora Forest, Brian, a seasoned hunter and heavy truck driver, embarked on a three-night hunting expedition in the north side of the forest.

Jolisa's story

In early June Te Puke teenager, Jolisa, and her family were on a dirt biking adventure out the back of the sandy dunes of Glink's Gully beach.

Hūhana's story

Hūhana Carter was gardening at her home in Charteris Bay when she fell 2. 5m and needed the assistance of the rescue helicopter.

Lee's story

It was New Year’s Day 2023, it was one of those perfect Masterton days, sunny with no wind.

Jacinta's story

Jacinta was at the gym, her daily routine, and doing kipping pull-ups, when she had her accident.  

"I was quite tired," she says, "I kicked backwards and fell.

Kaikōura boat rescue story

A sailboat lost at sea. Waves ten metres high. Three people are on board.