Kaikōura boat rescue story

A sailboat lost at sea. Waves ten metres high. Three people are on board.

The very bad tramp, with a fair decision

It was my birthday weekend, and I like to swim in cold water on my birthday.

Kathryn's story

On the afternoon of December 20, 2008, we were airlifted by the Rescue Chopper from Arthur’s pass after a car accident.

Nicky's story

Despite the cardiac arrest that left Nicky with memory loss and a pacemaker, she’s thankful to come out of it with her life.

Michelle's story

It was a walk Michelle had done with her dog Scrappy a dozen times…
…but this time, it almost cost Michelle her life.

Bryce's story

Bryce, a Chemistry Professor, was leading a group of ten experienced trampers from the Christchurch Tramping Club at the Rakaia Spurs when he turned around to take a photo of…

Pete's story

Assisting a patient fast can mean the difference between life and death. On the day of Pete’s medical event, flooding made the roads into Pauanui impassable.

Stephen's story

One minute Stephen was happily trimming grass around some native bush, the next, a huge swarm of wasps filled the air.

Dale's story

Carrie was in the township at the time and heard the fire siren go off.

Willow's story

“If I hear a helicopter overhead I feel sick thinking about the family that needed to call them for help.

Stewart's Story

‘The ground gave way beneath me. I bounced off the side of the cliff on the way down.

Jazmin's Story

“I was unconscious for my trip in the chopper, I woke up in the ICU and Mum told me what had happened.