There's no greater sound when you need it
Why donate to the Chopper Appeal?
100% of all donations go to your local chopper, enabling them to continue helping those in need. Whether it's airlifting new mums in labour, saving adventurers from life-threatening incidents or rescuing boaties from severe storms, your contributions keep New Zealanders safe, whatever they're doing.
Ways to donate
Online banking
If you have a registered account, you can donate using Westpac One® online banking.
Use hotpoints®
If you're a Westpac hotpoints® credit card customer, you can use your hotpoints to donate to the Chopper Appeal.
Eligibility and lending criteria, exclusions, terms and conditions apply. See also how credit card interest works for more information.
hotpoints® is a registered trademark of Westpac Banking Corporation. Hotpoints terms and conditions apply.